How to Write a FOR RENT Sign for a Rental Property

Write a "For Rent" Ad that gives people the most important information about your property.

You have carefully prepared your rental for a new tenant with a thorough cleaning, a new paint job and a few repairs. Now comes the time to write a compelling "For Rent" ad which gives potential tenants basic information, and entices them to lease your rental property. Provide the rental property information next to the "For Rent" sign so that potential renters can quickly view what the property has to offer and call you for a viewing right on the spot.


Step 1

Post a large "For Rent" sign on your rental property that is printed in orange, or red and black. The large size and the color should get the attention of future tenants driving around the neighborhood for looking for rentals.

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Step 2

Type a list of the property features in a large font. Tape the sheet below the "For Rent" sign. Protect the sign and the list from the weather by mounting them on the front door or on a porch. Provide extra copies of the rental information in a basket so that rental seekers can take the information along with them.t


Step 3

Provide the full address and zip code. List the number of bedrooms, bathrooms and information about parking. All information should be in list form and not in paragraph form. After the basic information, list the rental property's positive qualities such as recent renovations, laundry facilities, kitchen amenities, outside areas and storage spaces


Step 4

List all the reasons why the tenant would want to live there. Mention conveniences such as nearby shopping, schools, restaurants, coffee shops, access to highways and public transportation. List all amenities that are within walking distance.


Step 5

Clearly state the rent toward the end of the list.


Step 6

Add the statement "Credit and Criminal Background Check Required with Application." This statement may scare away anyone who lacks a stellar background and can help ensure that you attract good tenants who want a safe place to live. .

Step 7

Provide all of your contact information such as home phone, cell phone or email. List a contact number of email account that you always monitor so that potential tenants can always reach you. Give your name so that potential tenants can properly address you when making inquiries about your rental property.

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