A money order provides a convenient way to pay bills without the use of cash or personal checks. It's not necessary to use a bank, or even have a bank account; instead, you simply visit a Western Union agent, fill out a form and pay a fee. Western Union money order tracking is available for customers who believe their money order has been lost or was stolen. In the event you ask the company to provide research and tracing services to help you locate your lost money order, you will need to pay an additi0nal small fee.
How Western Union Money Orders Work
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According to Wise, money orders are a more secure way to send money than checks, as those include back information. A Western Union money order works much like a check, except it is paid for upfront. It can be given in person or by mail to anyone anywhere in the world, who can then deposit or cash it. A person sending a Western Union money order does not need to have a checking account and neither does the person receiving it.
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Western Union operates through a network of 42,000 agent locations in banks, grocery stores, retailers, airports, and currency exchange offices and has over 500,00 agent locations. In addition to Western Union's well-known money transfer service, many of these agents will issue money orders to those who don't wish to use personal checks, credit cards or cash for payment. You'll need to fill out a money order request form and provide the funds, as well as pay a service fee. Domestic and international money transfer services are available.
Western Union Money Order Tracking
If your money order's gone missing, go to an agent location or online to make a Money Order Research Request. Fill out the form with the purchaser information, the money order number if you know it, amount, date and location of purchase, and the name of the payee, if written on the money order. The form also requires that you explain the circumstances of the loss, prove that you are the original purchaser and provide a notarized signature. If the money order was stolen, Western Union will also need a copy of the police report.
The original receipt, with the money order number, provides evidence that you bought the money order. If you still have the receipt, the non-refundable processing fee Western Union charges for the its research service is $15. The fee rises to $30, also non-refundable, if you don't have the receipt. Once the request form is filled out, copy all documents and submit the request by regular mail, fax or e-mail to the addresses provided on the form and on the Western Union website.
Research Results for Missing Money Orders
Western Union money order tracking takes six to eight weeks to complete. If the money order was cashed, you will receive a copy of it, showing the payee. If the money order has not been cashed, and Western Union verifies all the information you provided on the request form, the company may refund your original payment, less its fee. If it cannot trace the money order, it will notify you but will not provide a refund.