It's not unusual to have lean times when you can't quite make ends meet. When you need some breathing room from creditors, a proactive approach is most effective for resolving your financial struggles. Request a loan extension from the creditor connected with the loan. Most financial institutions have a process in place for helping customers request additional time for paying back a loan. Read the small print in any additional agreements you make to ensure that you understand the additional requirements of the extension.
Step 1
Check a recent balance statement from the loan to get the customer service telephone number for your financial institution.
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Step 2
Call the financial institution to get details about the process of requesting a loan extension. Ask about the timing of your extension request as it relates to the due date of your next payment to ensure that you submit the request in time to skip your next payment, if applicable. You may be able to initiate the process over the telephone, or you may be able to access an online request form or download the form from the bank's website.
Step 3
Complete the form to apply for the extension. The form generally includes specific request for the number of payments you wish to skip, your account number, your name and your complete contact information. Sign and date the form. The bank may also require references, information about your monthly income and expenses and copies of recent bank statements to provide information that supports your claim of financial hardship.
Step 4
Submit the form with the financial institution, timing it so that you should receive a decision from the bank in time to enable you to skip your next payment, if desired.
Step 5
Contact the bank before your next payment is due to inquire about the status of the deferment, if you do not receive communication from the bank about the extension.
If you use automatic transfer from a bank account to make the loan payment, cancel the payment manually to skip it during the deferment period after you receive approval of the extension. If the loan is a vehicle loan, the bank may require a written statement from you to verify the condition of the car.
Interest will continue to accrue even when you are skipping loan payments.
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