Applying for a Moneytree payday loan is easy and fast, but there are some things you should know before taking this step. First, it's important to understand that payday loans carry high interest rates. Second, you can only borrow relatively small amounts of money. Also, note that Moneytree payday loans are only available in four states, including California, Washington, Idaho and Nevada.
Depending on the state, you may apply for a Moneytree payday loan online or in person. Be prepared to submit a copy of your passport or driver's license, a recent pay stub and other basic documents as part of the application process.
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Moneytree Loan Requirements
About 12 million U.S. consumers take out payday loans each year, reports the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. Approximately seven out of 10 use the funds to cover basic expenses, such as food and rent. The appeal of payday loans is related to their convenience. Most lenders, including Moneytree, only require a passport or driver's license, proof of income and other basic information. Unlike traditional banks, they rarely conduct credit checks.
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Established in 1983, Moneytree is one of the oldest payday lenders in the U.S. Today, it has over 80 retail locations in four states and offers a large number of services for individuals and businesses. Its customers can apply for small business loans, cash checks, purchase prepaid cards and more. Moneytree loan requirements depend on the state. Generally, borrowers must submit the following documents when applying for payday loans:
- A government-issued ID and Social Security number
- Proof of income, such as a recent pay stub
- An active checking account
- Contact information, including your physical address
How much you can borrow depends on your income, location and credit history with Moneytree, among other factors. Idaho residents, for example, can get payday loans of up to $1,000. The cost of the loan is $18.50 per $100 borrowed. This means that if you borrow $1,000, you will have to pay $1,185 within two weeks to one month. Customers based in Washington, Nevada or Idaho may extend the loan due date for an additional fee.
Nevada residents can borrow up to $5,000. If you live in Washington, you can only borrow $700. Customers based in Colorado cannot apply for payday loans, but they may take out installment loans of $100 to $1,000. Interest rates vary from state to state, too.
Apply for a Payday Loan
Moneytree offers payday loans online and in-store. Online loans are currently not available in Colorado, but you may apply at a local branch. The company doesn't have any physical offices in California, so your only option is to apply through its website. Simply follow these steps:
- Fill out an online application form
- Upload a valid ID and other documents
- Wait a few minutes to have your application reviewed
- Choose how you want to get paid (e.g. instant funding to your bank account)
The loan can be repaid online or over the phone. Moneytree doesn't charge prepayment penalties. If, for some reason, you cannot pay on time, you may renew the loan or request an extended payment plan. The company states clearly that payday loans should only be used for short-term expenses, but many consumers misuse the funds and end up drowning in debt.
Just about anyone with a stable job can qualify for a Moneytree payday loan. However, just because you can borrow money from a lender doesn't mean you should. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau warns that payday lenders often charge late fees and renewal or rollover fees. Borrowers may also incur additional fees when the funds are loaded onto their debit cards.
- Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis: Fast Cash and Payday Loans
- Moneytree: Financial Services
- Moneytree: Idaho Payday Loans
- Moneytree: Nevada Online Payday Loans
- Moneytree: Washington Online Payday Loans
- Moneytree: Online Loan Application
- Consumer Financial Protection Bureau: What Are the Costs and Fees for a Payday Loan?