Online Personal Styling Services: A Good Idea for You?

Image Credit: Oscar Wong/Moment/GettyImages

Online personal styling services are all the rage. Those with a busy lifestyle love the convenience and ease of having professionally selected clothing and accessories delivered right to their homes. And you can't neglect the most important aspect: It's fun to have a box of goodies to rummage through. But does it make sense financially?


How Personal Styling Services Work

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Online personal styling services are a virtual version of a personal shopper. With a personal shopper, you meet with them and discuss your clothing preferences. You may even show them the clothes you already have. Then the personal shopper would go from store to store.


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Online personal styling services generally work the same way. The biggest difference is in price. With online styling services, you're not paying the $50 to $75 an hour that you would for a personal shopper's services.

Style Quiz Gathers Your Info

Online personal styling services use a style quiz to gather information about your preferences. From body type to favorite color, the style quiz runs the gamut, trying to glean as many details about your style as possible.


The style quiz is multiple choice, so it's easy to fill out. Take your time. The more accurate the information that you provide, the happier you'll be with your selections.

AI and Human Stylist

A human stylist working with algorithms determines your choices. Artificial intelligence (AI) takes all the data you submit and offers recommendations. The human stylist takes those recommendations and uses their experience to fine-tune them. The stylist can put the AI's choices into a human context. Then, based on all information, selections are made to put in your box.



Average Online Style Services Cost

Most online services charge a styling fee. This is generally in the $25 range. But the fee is credited toward the price of any of the merchandise you purchase. So if you don't purchase anything, then you must pay the styling fee.


You pay for each item you decide to keep. But you can stay within your budget. When filling out the style quiz, there's an opportunity to enter a budget range. So, if your budget is between $45 and $150 per item, that's the range each items' price will be.

Online Style Services

There are several online style services in the market. The three chosen serve a diverse clientele base. They also have different price points.


Stich Fix was one of the first online style services to hit the market. They gear their services to budget-minded professional women.

They have a $25 styling fee that is credited toward a purchase. Each box arrives with five items. You'll have five days to try them on and decide to keep any or all. If you purchase all the items, there's an additional percentage off the price. Whatever you don't want, just send back. Shipping both ways is free.



2. Amazon Personal Shopper New to Arena

The new kid in town is the Amazon Personal Shopper by Prime. With Personal Shopper, you review what the stylist has chosen before it comes to the door. You then choose eight items. Once received, you'll have seven days to try on the items and decide. Amazon charges a $4.99 styling fee.


3. Trunk Club More Upscale

Nordstrom owns Trunk Club and, true to its brand, is full of upscale merchandise. Catering to both women and men, Trunk Club's clothes are of good quality. They have a $25 styling fee that also disappears with a purchase. If you have a Nordstrom credit card, there is no styling fee. You'll also receive additional perks.


Are They for You?

Receiving a box of clothing and accessories is fun. Saving money is even more fun. By not having to run around all over town to find that new dress, you'll save time and money. With online styling services, you'll have a personal stylist and clothes that show it.


