Things You Don't Need to Do Before a Job Interview, Contrary to What Everyone Says

Prepare for your job interview.

For many people, preparing for a job interview is a stressful time. From figuring out what to wear to a job interview to researching the company to making sure you get to the interview on time, there is a lot to consider. However, there are some job interview tips you don't really need to worry about. Find out what they are so you can make your interview a little less nerve-wracking.


Get Everyone’s Advice on Job Interview Tips

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Job seekers, especially those without a lot of interview experience, may be tempted to ask others for job interview tips. After all, asking for advice is a good way to learn the ropes and figure out how you can excel at your upcoming interview. However, Wisestep warns against taking job interview tips from too many people. Choose a select few whom you trust and who have excelled at landing jobs in your industry to get interview advice.


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Asking too many people may result in contradictory messages or advice that is confusing for your specific situation. Similarly, asking those who are familiar with different industries may not yield advice that is appropriate for your interview. You will also need to filter out advice that may be outdated from people who have not had an interview in the last few years.


Write Scripted Answers for Common Job Interview Questions

The Muse advises that it is beneficial to look up common job interview questions so you can adequately prepare. Think about how your own experience relates to the question so you can provide an answer that is specific to your situation. However, be wary of writing out fully scripted answers to these questions. While it may seem like a good idea to write out a script, it may give off the impression that you're not confident in your abilities at the interview.


When you have a script in front of you, you're more likely to read it word for word. This can sound robotic, and it may make the interviewer feel as though you don't have enough knowledge or confidence to answer the question on your own. Instead of writing out full sentences, write down bullet points that will trigger your memory so you can cover the right points but answer the question without reading from a script.



Spend a Lot of Money on Your Outfit

Curious about what to wear to a job interview? It's usually one of the things people stress over because first impressions matter. If you're underdressed, you may seem unprofessional and unqualified for the job. However, if you're overdressed, you may appear to be stuffy and overly formal. While you may be tempted to go and buy an expensive new outfit for your interview, keep in mind that you may be able to work with what you already have in your closet. Just ensure that it is industry appropriate and at the level of formality that the workplace will be comfortable with. You can also repeat interview outfits if you're interviewing at multiple places, as it's unlikely you'll come across the same people.


Cram the Night Before

While spending some time preparing the night before your interview will ensure the information is fresh in your mind, you don't want to stay up too late in a cramming session. Instead, space out your preparation a few days before your interview so you have lots of time to conduct research into the company and figure out how to best present yourself.


Forbes notes that one of the biggest mistakes you can make right before an interview is have a bad night's sleep. This causes unnecessary stress during your interview. Plus, you won't have the energy to perform your best. In addition, lack of sleep can also affect your memory, so you may end up forgetting the research you did to prepare.

