How Should I Report a New Job to Unemployment Services When There's a Gap in Receiving a Paycheck?

You can report a new job to unemployment services when there is a gap in receiving a paycheck.
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Individuals who receive unemployment checks and find new jobs often find gaps from their first day on the new job until they get their first paychecks. People cannot usually collect unemployment benefits during those gaps, though. Once the new paycheck comes in, that money should make up for the time when the individual was working without money in hand. If an unemployment weekly claim is made during this time, it will likely be considered as not reporting income to unemployment.


Not Reporting Income to Unemployment

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States have different laws that pertain to their unemployment programs and most require qualifying applicants to submit unemployment weekly or bi-weekly claims (also called "recertifying"). This involves answering a series of questions each time the forms are filled out. explains that these must be answered truthfully, otherwise, applicants may be penalized.

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It is normal to have gaps without any income coming in, which can be difficult if the new position pays bi-weekly or monthly. Claiming that gap time for benefits is not recommended, because the likelihood of getting caught and having to pay it back is very high. In some cases, unemployment organizations may add on fines when they discover fraudulent claims.


The question on the unemployment claim form asks if the applicant worked during the particular time period. If the person did work – even if the pay was not received, they must choose "yes" instead of "no." To emphasize the importance of making the right choice: Checking "no" to get money to fill in the gap is considered fraud.


I Got a Job, How Do I Cancel Unemployment?

HelpAdvisor explains that states have different procedures for filing for unemployment, and it can be complicated and time-consuming. Some people are turned down initially and later file appeals to get their money. Besides that, when forms are filled out incorrectly, claims can be denied and must be resubmitted.


There are 53 unemployment systems in this country, and though they have different ways of processing claims, the way to cancel them is the same for all. All one needs to do is to stop recertifying the claim each week. After some time passes (and it is brief), unemployment claims expire and the benefits end.



It is possible to claim partial payments when a person worked some of the days during the claim period. Again, applicants should not make claims for benefits for days that they were working. When a person loses another job, they are free to open up a new unemployment claim.

NY Unemployment Benefits

According to, there are three eligibility requirements that must be met for New York residents to receive unemployment. They must be unemployed through no fault of their own, available to work and have past earnings that meet minimum thresholds. Benefits are available for 26 weeks, with a maximum weekly amount of $504.


Once claims are filed, they are reviewed by the New York State Department of Labor, which sends out monetary determinations to those who have applied. When claims are granted, applicants have to meet the state's ongoing eligibility requirements to continue receiving payments. And like other states, they have departments and personnel dedicated to tracking down unemployment fraud.

