How to Obtain Statements From a Closed Bank Account

You may need to refer to statements from a closed bank account to resolve issues from a past transaction or just for your own records. If you don't have these documents, contact your bank for help. Keep in mind that you may have to pay a fee and the process is usually easier if you closed the bank account within the last five years.


How to Obtain Statements From a Closed Bank Account
Image Credit: Jacob Ammentorp Lund/iStock/GettyImages

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Contacting the Bank

Request copies of your bank statements in person at a bank branch, over the phone or in writing. The bank will need some photo identification, like your driver license or a passport. Provide identifying information for the bank account, such as the account number, when you opened and closed it and the closing balance. The bank might also require additional proof that you are the owner of the account. You could show a bank statement you already have or an ATM card that bears your name.


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Requesting Account Statements

When you ask for your account statements, give a date range for the statements you'd like to reproduce. Note that banks are only obligated to keep records for five years and each bank decides whether to keep them for a longer period. Your bank may not be able to retrieve records for an account that you closed over five years ago.


Receiving Account Statements

If your account statements are still in the system, the representative might be able to pull them up immediately and print copies for you. If not, it could take a few days for a staff member to search in the archived records. The bank might mail the statements to you, ask you to return to pick them up or provide access to them online. Expect to pay a fee for the service. The amount varies by institution. It is typically charged per statement but there might be additional fees.


Finding Statements Online

You might have online access to a recently closed account if you managed some of your bank transactions online. Some banks provide online access to closed accounts for some time if you are still registered for online access. If your statements are available, you can view and print them without having to pay a fee.


Obtaining Account Statements from a Failed Bank

When a bank fails, another bank might acquire it or the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation might gain control of the funds or even run it until it can find an institution that will acquire it. If your closed account was in a bank that failed, contact the holder of the accounts to retrieve your statements. If the FDIC is currently managing the bank's holdings, you may contact the agency at 1-800-523-8089 to ask for a copy of your account statements.

